
For the task of the infographics we decided to meet the four of us in the library so we could think what we would like to do and to divide up the task, so we could do the maximum number of infgropahics related to media in the best way. As recommended by the teachers we visited various websites where we could use templates to perform the project and our ideas, Piktochart was the we one that we chose, since the templates are varied and it would be easier to create different infographics without them look like a cut and paste from each other.

We have worked a same person to do the job, we decided to make a brainstorm, and during the brainstorming we saw that none of the first four options were repeated so each could focus on one of the infographics, of course with the help and valuing group’s opinion.

In total we have made these 4 infographics, the Marvel was the one which we did earlier, we had seen The Avengers 2 around these days and a lot of people was talking about the amount of superhero movies that are made today, and those that are coming to be released soon, so it turned out to be a pretty interesting topic to be reflected on our blogs as an infographic.


This one shows two of the largest social networks worldwide and faces them to see the differences between.


Although they had already spent a few days since we saw the newest Fast & Furious movie, we wanted to make an infographic (focused on the costs and profits) about one of the most popular, large and recent sagas of recent years.


And finally, an infographic about the competitiveness between two big industries,vidoegames and movies, focused on the amount of money that they move.

Untitled Infographic (2)

Each infographic has a little more from one of the group members, but together we have been able to work well as a group, we could collaborate together, helping each other.



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